Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fresh beginings!

Hello there, new friends and old both. This here is the blog that I actually intend to update regularly!... And this time I mean it.

I'll be posting various forms of art, story fragments, and insane rantings. So strap in and follow me close, things are gonna get hairy.

First off, in the Art Department. I'll be opening a companion blog, whose title I've yet to finalize, which will be the heart and soul of a commissioned art business where you can acquire a portrait of that role play character that you've been developing for years. I'll cover all brands from Dungeons and Dragons to World of Darkness! Mecha I can do, as well as any mechanical objects, I won't however do anything even close to XXX. That's for the yaoi fan art girls.
To start with, commissions will be available in scanned pencil on paper. However, eventually when I have my Wacom tablet working again, I'll be doing commissions in vivid, soul crushing color!

In the Story Department, I'll be shamelessly ripping a page from my friend's book and posting a running story on my WoD character Grigori Ironfeather. Come, follow the exploits of a truly sardonic werewolf!
Also, later (if your good) a collaboration of sorts will make it to this page. The Thrilling Adventures of the Stormheart, a steampunk tale. This might be a good distance in the future however, so don't hold your breath.

In the Insane Rantings Department (name subject to change), I'll talk about various topics that happen to catch my interest. Be it Video Games, Movies, Books, even Scientific happenings! I'll cover it as it wafts across my consciousness. However, I promise you, my dear friends, I'll do my level best to not discuss politics on this blog.

Well, that's all for now. I'll see you guys on the other side of my next post. Oh I wonder what it might be!